Discover the rising stars and seasoned veterans behind the hit K-Drama Love Scout, one of 2025’s most popular series. From breakout performances to long-standing careers, this cast is a blend of fresh talent and industry legends, capturing viewers’ hearts with their stellar portrayals.
Kim Do Hoon shines as Woo Jung Hoon, the ambitious chaebol heir, and his impressive rise in K-Drama since his debut in 2018 is nothing short of inspiring. Meanwhile, Kim Yoon Hye brings depth to her role as Jung Su Hyeon, a single mother navigating life’s challenges, solidifying her spot as a versatile actress with years of experience.
Lee Joon Hyuk’s portrayal of Yoo Eun Ho, a struggling single dad, showcases his seasoned acting skills developed over nearly two decades, including roles in critically acclaimed dramas like Stranger. And leading the charge is Han Ji Min as Kang Ji Yun, the ambitious CEO, whose illustrious career spans over 20 years, with numerous accolades and iconic roles.
This ensemble cast combines talent, charm, and charisma, making Love Scout an unforgettable viewing experience. Don’t miss your chance to get to know the actors who bring this hit series to life!